Vietnam: Agent Orange 40 Years Later

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Mai Dinh Tu, 19, a second generation victim of Agent Orange, lies on a pallet at his home south of Da Nang, Vietnam. Tu's father served as a bomb disposal soldier from 1975 to 1990 and worked in many areas that had been sprayed by herbicides during the war. Tu suffers from disorders that have left him  unable to talk or even sit up on his own. His 21-year-old sister is mentally disabled because of their father's exposure. The Vietnam Red Cross estimates that 3 million Vietnamese suffer from illnesses related to dioxin exposure, including at least 150,000 people born with severe birth defects since the end of the war. The U.S. government is paying to clean up dioxin-contaminated soil at the Da Nang airport, which served as a major U.S. base during the conflict. But the U.S. government still denies that dioxin is to blame for widespread health problems in Vietnam and has never provided any money specifically to help the country's Agent Orange victims. May 30, 2012.